Science of Tithing


"It is in giving that we receive"

Tithing is an old English word for one tenth "tithe"

Tithing has been advised by all religions globally. It simply means to give from what one has earned

Giving is the ability of the Heart. When we give what is a part of us, we are blessed with more. In doing so we generate a lot of good karma. The need for generating more and more good karma is not only for those in crisis but for everyone to have a smooth and easy life. 

Charity and donations enable us to receive. It is making oneself entitled to be the recipient of rewards that is due to us. When one doesn't give then eventually one will run out of things. Tithing is like inhalation and exhalation. Can we just inhale all the time? We also have to exhale. At the same time when we exhale we also have to inhale. Tithing is the same when we give we shall receive and when we receive we have to give again.

Where can we tithe? We can tithe to anyone. It giving our money and a part of what we have earned to anyone who is in need. It could be family members, friends, relatives, house helps, needy and the poor etc. but this giving is not to be done just once. It has to be regular and rhythmic like the breath. It is also important to give to the place from where we have been benefited or where we have learnt many things. We have to give to the work of our Spiritual Teacher to help spread the valuable priceless teachings.

This is very scientific. When we give we creat more channels for ourselves from where we can receive more. When we receive more we are at a better hand to give more. This is a natural process. When we sow a seed we reap many many fruits. Similarly with tithing. Money can be used to bring health, wealth, joy, etc.

So when we tithe we can pray for fulfilment of a wish. It is not a selfish motive to ask for the good karma generated through tithing to come back for a specific purpose. It is just using the Universal Law for accelerating the natural process of occurrence of the similar event.

Tithing could also be giving away clothes, food, possessions and other things. It can be practiced on special days like a full moon which is the most power day of a month. More powerful when done on the most powerful full moon of the year during the Wesak celebrations. During the Wesak the energies are very high and it is believed that whatever we wish can manifest. The secret of manifestation is the energy behind the wish or the thought and enough good karma. On the day of the Wesak by taking part in the special ceremony and meditation one can generate a lot of good karma and use the energies of it to bless and pray for materialisation of goals. Donations made on this day bring more blessings to the donor. The effect of donation or tithing on a special day like this so much grater than any other ordinary day of the month. With the appearance of the Buddha and the Christ during the ceremony one can ask for the tithe to be blessed. 

So I invite everyone to be generous donors and humble recipients. Make it a regular practice and see the effects for yourself.

Tithing regularly develops the heart. With in the hearts is the Kingdom. And thereby we shall inherit the Kingdom.

Based on the teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui

Dr. Prashant

(2 May 2012 Mumbai)